
Tips to Save Money on Your Holiday Trip

Most Millenials would love to skip town once or twice in a month. If only the bank balance would allow it. Similarly, one or two family holiday in a year is a fantastic way to recharge and have fun. The trouble is that family holidays cost five times more than a solo trip. Holiday trips need not have to so hopeless. With some planning and plotting, you can go on a holiday trip on your budget. Here are some tips that will help you to have a cost-effective holiday. Tips to Save Money on Your Holiday Trip
  1. Plan ahead

    The theory is simple. It is the game of supply and demand. As much as exciting a spontaneous trip is, it can rip a hole in the pocket. Book your flight tickets and room while there is a lot of options left. This will give you time to consider all the options in the market and find the one most suitable for you.Plan ahead
  2. Look out for discounts

    If you are thinking of visiting a particular place in the next few months, keep an eye open for discounts. Airlines and hotels offer discounts on various occasions including their anniversaries or festivals. Make use of such promotional events to your advantage. Sometimes these offers can save you half of the actual amount. Look out for discounts
  3. Travel in the low season

    If you travel in the holiday season when everyone is doing the same, the chances of finding the best option at a cheaper rate are less. The low season could be your best bet because the market isn’t booming at this time. Especially airlines will have much lower rates in the low season. If you book a flight to Goa in July or August rather than December, you will find better deals.Travel in the low season
  4. Fly midweek

    Airline tickets are costlier in the weekends. Most people fly to their holiday destination at the weekend and come back on Sunday or Monday. Stand out from the crowd. Fly midweek, and you shall get ticket rates that won’t give you a headache. Also, airports will not be crowded during these days. Who doesn’t enjoy a peaceful and hassle-free flying experience?Fly midweek
  5. Skip the middleman

    Technology is accessible to everyone. Why not make use of it to save some money? When you go to a middleman to book your tickets, they are not doing it for free. They will charge a percentage of the actual cost of the tickets as commission. Why would you pay them anything at all when you can book your tickets directly. If you are planning to travel with a particular travelling agency, go to their website or office directly and book your tickets for the actual cost.Skip the middleman
  6. Pack smart and light

    When you are going on a weekend trip, the carry on bag which can weigh up to 15 kg is probably all you need. So you decide to stuff everything in it. But, if the weighing machine at the check-in says it is just above 15 kg, there goes your money. Indigo charges Rs 400 per kg and Spicejet charges Rs 500 for extra 5 kgs. If you pack light and be smart about what items you want to take to your holiday destination, your money stays in your pocket.Pack smart and light
  7. Be in the loop

    To find the best deals, you need to be up to date with the brands that you purchase from. It is similar to subscribing to the emails of the e-commerce site that you constantly visit. Most hotels and airlines will have a loyalty programme. Sign up for the email notifications. Follow these brands on social media. Subscribe to their newsletter. Or, if you are planning to visit Kerala, set a google alert for flights to Kerala. With this simple trick, you will never miss an amazing deal that you could have availed.Be in the loop
  8. Get your rewards

    We live in an age in which spending money is rewarded. Every time you used the debit card or credit card, you get points. Each time you shopped from a brand, you got rewards. The hotels and travel companies have this programme too. Take a look at the reward points and coupons you have while planning your holiday. Redeeming these will help you with the budget.Get your rewards
  9. Family deals

    If you are travelling with your family, check out if there is any family deals or offers tailored for couples. Such deals will comes with facilities that are particularly designed for families. The brand will keep something for every member while designing the package. Opting for these will save the extra expense.Family deals
  10. Travel at night

    If you are backpacking or on a weekend trip, try to travel at night. The reason is quite simple. If you are travelling at night, you don't need a hotel and won't have to pay for it either. Try to book sleeper seats on bus and train. This will help you to sleep better and wake up without feeling drowsy. This also good for time management. You go to sleep as you always do and wake up at your holiday destination.Travel at night
  11. Research before booking accomodation

    You don’t always have to book expensive hotels for a holiday. You are likely to spend a lot of time outdoors. The accommodation is meant to come back and take rest. Look for hostels or homestays or guest houses in the holiday destination. They will be much cheaper than fancy hotels.Research before booking accomodation
  12. Make refundable bookings

    Read the terms and conditions of the brand you are booking with beforehand. Ensure that you are making refundable bookings. So, in case of cancellation of the trip, you don’t lose all your money.Make refundable bookings
  13. Last minute deals

    If you are ready to cut it close, then wait for those amazing last minute deals. Of course, they come with the risk of not getting a deal at all. But if you are up for the gamble. You might get a great deal and save a lot of money.Last minute deals
  14. Economical Sightseeing

    Most of the money spent on a trip is on transport. Hiring autorickshaw can be expensive as the fare is high in tourist places. Travel like a local and make use of public transport. The rate of public transport is fair in most places. If you are hiring a cab, try to share it with fellow tourists. You can also rent a bike or walk around the town. This way you will be exploring the place better too.Economical Sightseeing
  15. Go for complimentary breakfast

    Always book for hotels that provide complimentary breakfasts. Food is one of the inevitable expense of the day. If your hotel is providing breakfast, money spent on one meal, the most important meal of the day is saved. This will add up to a considerable amount if you are staying for more than a weekend. Imagine how much money is spent on breakfast on a five-day trip. Most hotels offer continental breakfast or a buffet for breakfast.Go for complimentary breakfast
  16. Street food

    Unless you are a foodie, and the sole goal of your trip is to dine at every top-rated restaurant in the town, do not hesitate to indulge in the street food of the town. Feel free to venture beyond the centre of the city. Eat where the locals are eating. Ask around for recommendations. Authentic cuisine of the region is likely to be found in these kiosks.Street food
  17. Self-cater

    If you are in a rural holiday destination and has opted to stay in a homestay, inquire beforehand if a kitchen comes along with the package. You can cook for yourself whenever you want. Be sure to carry some package foods or fruits. This will come in handy if you don’t like the local cuisine as well.Self-cater
  18. Carry a reusable water bottle

    If you buy a water bottle every time you are thirsty, you would have spent a huge amount on just that by the end of the trip. We tend to drink more water than we usually do while travelling. The chances of this are high If the weather hotter than the hometown or merely because you are walking more than the typical routine. Carrying a water bottle will solve this issue.Carry a reusable water bottle
  19. Be a smart shopper

    Many of us tend to go overboard with shopping in a tourist destination. The temptation is understandable. Everything looks colourful and pretty. You won’t shop in the same market once you leave the place. It is all fun until you overspend. Or you go home and realise that you don’t actually need these products. The goal is to focus on shopping less. Keep asking yourself - Will I buy this from a market in my hometown? If not, then it is probably not worth buying, unless it is a souvenir. And markets in tourist destinations are always way overpriced. So, do not hesitate to bargain. Be a smart shopper
  20. Enjoy the free luxuries

    Some of the best things on a holiday trip are likely to cost nothing. Like a visit to the local market or a stroll in the local park or jogging on the beach. If you can get reliable recommendations from locals or hotel staff, go on a hike with your family to the nearest trail. These activities cost nothing, yet make up for great holiday experiences. Imagine the amount of information you will uncover at a local market about local ingredients, cuisine and culture.Enjoy the free luxuries